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Update: 12 June 2023.
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The need to control the weather is as old as mankind. Throughout history, hundreds of millions of people have died as a result of extreme weather events. People have been devastated by floods and landslides caused by too much rain, or starved to death by crop failures caused by drought. Tragedies were compounded by windstorms and tornadoes, and crops were often damaged by hail. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, these disasters were seen as God's punishment and little could be done about it. But with the advent of the industrial revolution, attempts were made to control the weather. These efforts, dressed up in mystical cloaks, often ended up in hoaxes, but there were also those who, however laboriously, managed to make it rain.
Of all the weather extremes, drought caused the most trouble. Floods and inland water caused by heavy rains mostly caused only material damage. After a while the water receded and life resumed in the flooded areas. However, prolonged droughts destroyed crops and the resulting famine had disastrous consequences. Rainmakers were therefore the weather modifiers most in demand. In America, which was at the forefront of technological development, rainmakers appeared as early as the 19th century. Farmers passed them from hand to hand. The majority of them were very poor and their only wealth was the land.
The first recorded rainmaking took place in 1891 in Texas. The farmers first turned to the army for action. Not coincidentally, attempts were already being made to force the precious liquid, rain, out of the clouds with artillery fire. The Midland experiment was funded by the US Department of Agriculture and Congress. It was not a great success at the time. But it did have one benefit: many people began to wonder how rain could be artificially induced. Of course, most of them never got anywhere, and even some of the graduates were forced to give up after a while. The case, which was widely reported in the local press at the time, also captured the imagination of some people who had not followed the traditional intellectual path.
One of these was a certain C. B. Jewell, who has been undeservedly forgotten in the history of technology. Yet his name deserves to be remembered, for he was a truly efficient rainmaker. His successes are thought to have been due to his parachute skills. But he never admitted it. So he created a fake machine that 'did' the cloud-hanging. His invention was described in the February 1895 issue of Engineering News. Of course, from what we read about it there, no one could really know anything. Not by accident. Like inventors in general, Mr Jewell feared that someone would steal his invention and exploit it without his permission. So he jealously guarded its essence. All he told me was that it was a kind of gas that could be released into the clouds. He did not say whether this gas was homogeneous or whether it was a mixture of certain gases in some proportion. When journalists asked him about the mechanism of action of his invention, he said that his gas would inject something into the clouds that was missing to trigger the rainfall. Well, that didn't make anyone any the wiser.
Jewell was a railroad mailman. He sat in a mail car all day sorting mail. Then, at each stop, he'd give it to the small town postman to deliver to the recipient. He did this job for many years, scooting from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and it struck him how many places in this vast country were in drought. Then he had the idea of making it rain for the farmers. He has never said what he based this idea on, or how he discovered his rainmaking skills. Only a few comments suggest that this is not about physically squeezing out rain clouds. He once said that he did not make rain, but that he created the conditions for nature to make rain.
Because he knew the country's railway map well, he decided to reach drought-stricken areas by rail. So he bought a disused, covered railway freight car. All that outsiders could see of this moving laboratory and 'rain-making machine' was that at one end of the structure, which was raised up, three pipes stared into the sky on either side. It looked as if Jewell had pointed cannons at the clouds. Inside the wagon, all six tubes were connected to tanks containing a certain unnamed gas. At the other end of the wagon were shelves of chemicals, obviously the ones that the gas in question was made from. As a precaution, he always ordered the chemicals he needed from different manufacturers. This was to prevent any spying on him. He also had an assistant, but he had no idea what he was doing, he just followed orders. Above the shelf there was a power supply and a large, cauldron-like tank containing a liquid of unknown composition.
He later added a huge water tank on top of the wagon, which was always full. The water was presumably an important accessory for gas generation. However, it is also possible that he used the water for cooking, washing dishes and cleaning, since Jewell's apartment was also in this wagon. A bed, a desk and some cleaning utensils. When he was called somewhere, he would simply hop on a train going that way. On the way, he answered letters he received from farmers after he became a famous rainmaker. He made itineraries for himself of where he would go and how much time he would spend making rain. He was constantly on the move, and was a keen accepter of invitations from railway companies. They ordered and paid for his services to please the farmers of the countryside. Later, when the business took off, Jewell had a train of three such wagons. With a larger load, he could cover more ground. There was no need to stop for 'shortages'.
According to Engineering News, Jewell's trips were quite successful. He deployed his contraption sixty-six times in a single year, and each time he managed to make it rain. On only four occasions did it happen that for reasons beyond his control (high winds) the rain was either not as intense as expected or did not fall exactly where it was supposed to. But the secret of his method was slowly being revealed. Curiously, according to contemporary reports, when Jewell arrived on the scene, there was not a single sheep cloud in the sky. If there were no clouds, he could release any amount of gas into the air, but that small amount would not create a huge cloud that would then drench the landscape. It was also suspicious that the clouds had arrived before he had set his device in motion. On one occasion, curious farmers fell into one of the wagons of a train that had been sidetracked. They saw a man sitting inside, completely still, looking ahead of him. Today there is no doubt that Jewell was concentrating or meditating. (Nowadays this is called mind control.) He called the rain clouds to the scene with his brain waves.
This was followed by "cannonading", the release of a gas mixture into the air. In the meantime, the clouds became so dense that after a few hours the showers began. At the same time, heavy rainfall fell in the area. After that, the farmers didn't really care how it got there. The next day Jewell dumped another inch of rain. Before that, the area had been sweltering, the air had become stifling dry and the fields had become dusty from lack of rainfall. All that water refreshed not only the plants but the air. No wonder Jewell was hailed as a hero. He saved them from starvation. But the inventor didn't spend much time in any one place. While the celebrations were going on, he was on his way to another, also drought-stricken region, where he was once again awaited like the Messiah. And they were not waiting in vain.
Not all rainmakers were so lucky. Those who lacked
parapsychological skills soon lost their star. Charles Hatfield was declared
insane by the United States Weather Bureau of the time. And his clients called
him a con man, a charlatan. In the beginning, he was a traveling salesman
peddling sewing machines. He travelled the country by road and noticed how many
places were in drought. In the early 20th century, the United States was hit by
two years of drought. It's no wonder that under
these circumstances Hatfield got into the mood for making rain. He claimed that
he had been self-taught in meteorology for seven years and was very good at it.
Everywhere he travelled, he advertised himself and his special service: 'I make
rain on demand!' He used a gas mixture for his rain-making machine. This also had nothing to do with rainmaking. He
probably prayed to God for rain. On one occasion he was seen standing on a hill with his arms upraised
as if praying or pleading to someone up there. To disguise the essence of his
activity, Hatfield erected a 20-foot-high pole of tree trunks at each of his
stations. (He did this, no doubt, so that onlookers would not see what compounds
he was pouring into the tub at the top of the column.)
Initially, the pleading was fruitful, Hatfield made it rain small, medium or large, as the client wished. He could also make rain that caused a downpour accompanied by a veritable thunderstorm. This solved the region's rainfall problems for many months. After a while, his work became known throughout the country. He made several trips up the west coast from the Mexican border up to Alaska. His most famous case occurred in 1916. This time the client was the San Diego City Council. They asked for a long rain, and Hatfield delivered. For two weeks, a total of 38 inches (nearly a metre) of rain fell in the area. The cisterns were full and the agricultural harvest was excellent. Gardens blossomed and orange and lemon orchards were saved from destruction. (Such record rainfall, by the way, has not fallen in the area to date.) True, the great success almost cost Hatfield his life. Either God or the fauns and elms were fed up with Hatfield using them as rainmaking labourers. So now they've played a practical joke on him. He got the rain he asked for, but they forgot to turn off the 'tap'. The rain just kept falling and falling. By the second week, there was so much of a good thing that the rivers had gone out of their beds, causing floods, that the angry farmers wanted to lynch the overly successful rainmaker. He could barely get his hide out of there.
Hatfield's career began in 1904. Then the drought-stricken Las Angeles Chamber of Commerce offered him $50 to make rain. (It was good money at the time.) A regular contract was made with the inventor, who undertook to produce rain of a specified size no sooner than three hours and no later than five days after the necessary preparations (building the tower, putting up the tub, mixing the gas, etc.) had been made. The rain came on the fourth day. It rained almost 40 millimetres and Charles Hatfield became a famous man in one fell swoop. Not only did the $50 slip into his pocket, but from then on he was invited to lectures, which, as was the American custom, were of course given for money, and enthusiastic devotees sent him cheques for gifts of varying amounts. In 1905 he signed a contract with the town of Yukon. Here he was promised a much larger sum if he could bring sufficient rain to the area, where drought was threatening to bankrupt the whole economy. By then he was rumoured to be a magician with supernatural powers. When he arrived in the Yukon, it was recorded that despite the heat and drought, people came out to greet him with umbrellas in their hands and calicoes on their feet. They were convinced that as soon as Hatfield set foot in their town, they would wave and it would rain.
In the first half of the 1910s, California was the worst hit by drought in America. (By the way, it's no different today.) Did the entire existence of Las Angeles and other cities depend on getting enough rainwater into nearby reservoirs? It hasn't rained in the river basins for practically years. In 1912, a large number of citizens demanded that a rainmaker be called. They didn't care whether it was the men of science or quacks who made the rain, as long as there was water! But most of the members of the city council listened to the men of science, who claimed that rainmaking was a superstition, that it didn't exist, and that the few who did succeed were just lucky. And so the wrangling went on for years. Meanwhile, Hatfield was working elsewhere, and he was making thunderstorms with great efficiency. Faced with an intolerable drought, the scientific lobby finally broke and the city council was able to invite Hatfield. By then the cisterns were empty and the city's largest reservoir had only a month's worth of drinking water left.
By then, the city councillors themselves had visited Hatfield. The task, they suggested, was to fill that large artificial reservoir, but to fill it completely. Then the city would have enough water for a few years again. Hatfield said that there was no problem, that he would be able to do the job. He then gave a rate proposal. Either he would be paid a thousand dollars for every inch of water he raised the reservoir level with, or he would get a discount: he would charge ten thousand dollars to fill the whole reservoir, which was several million gallons full! Finally, in December 1915, a verbal contract was signed for the ten thousand dollar version.
After that, sixty miles from San Diego, Hatfield's associates began construction of the six-foot-long wooden tower with the tub. When they were finished, the "maestro" arrived and the sealed tanks he had brought were hauled up to the platform next to the tub. Then Hatfield climbed up there too. The maestro stood and sat next to the tub for 24 hours. One by one, he lowered the contents of the gas tanks into it. No one but he could know what was in which tanks, when, in what order and especially in what proportion he would mix them into the tub. The gases rose into the air. The wind blew in and out and carried the clouds of gas further. Hatfield did a good job, and the next day the residents of the area saw the evidence. Huge rain clouds appeared over San Diego. Soon it began to rain, and then rain and rain. At first everyone was mad, but the rain refused to stop. The master only knew how to make the rain, he couldn't stop the rain from falling. Hatfield was tricked again by the otherworldly creatures. It seems they'd had enough of his hunger for money.
the rivers in the area filled up, the reservoir was full, and the flood
continued to rise. Slowly, bridges and railways were washed away, dams were
breached here and there, and 50 people perished in the flood. Hatfield watched helplessly. Then the clouds
lifted for a while, but a few days later the rain came again. After that, the
city did not pay the $10,000 it had paid in advance. They claimed that they
only had a verbal contract, no written contract
was in their possession. In the end, he was not even reimbursed for his utility bills. He was told to be glad he was
not being sued for damages. Hatfield didn't let it go and sued the city.
The lawsuit went through every court in the land, and in the end, 22 years
later, the California Supreme Court ruled that the rain was not Charles
Hatfield's fault, but God's! The city attorneys argued that yes, it did rain,
and more than it should have, but Hatfield could not prove that it was his
doing. If he can prove it, he'll get paid, even after the fact, they smiled.
Hatfield did not mourn the financial loss for long, for the curious incident and each subsequent trial enhanced his reputation. After a while, his reputation grew to the point where he went to the US government. During the Great Depression of 1929-1933, the western states of the US were again hit by a major drought. The drought lasted for years. Hatfield then approached his government with a proposal that he should be given the job of making rain in the areas in question. His offer was rejected by President Roosevelt himself, who was informed by the eager staff of the weather bureau that Hatfield was a lunatic, a dangerous impostor who would end up making a laughing stock of the government that had contracted him. Hatfield died in 1958 and never lifted the veil on his secrets. He never told how he summoned the clouds, nor did he ever tell anyone the composition of the gases he used (or didn't use).[1]
Official science has been working on weather manipulation, but not with much success. They have achieved slightly better results in ice retention, but the process they have developed is quite expensive and not perfect. Because there is a huge social demand for it, scientists have been trying to make it rain over arid lands for centuries. Their most notable achievement is the work of an American scientist, Vincent Schafer, who used dry ice (crystalline carbon dioxide) and silver iodide to create raindrops in clouds. The technique is very similar to hailstorm mitigation and its effectiveness is similar. Another method was developed by G. Mathers, who worked in South Africa in the late 1980s. After a while, he noticed how often the smoke from paper mill chimneys caused rain. In the areas around the paper mills, in the wind line of the smoke from the chimneys, there were fewer complaints of drought. His research has revealed that there are plenty of hygroscopic salt crystals in the flue gases. These actually attract the water vapour in the clouds and can be the source of future water droplets. Based on this insight, researchers have created a technology and today they often make it rain in drier areas by spraying trillions of these particles into the clouds from airplanes.
In the
early 2000s, a Scottish professor, Stephen Salter, came up with a similar
technology and patented his invention. It consists of large tubes and turbines,
tens of metres long, which are deployed in the open sea. Something like
frequent sea winds move the structure, which sucks up seawater and pushes it up
to a height of 21 to 30 metres as an atomised liquid, to which salt crystals
are added by an automatic device. This process is essentially the same as the
first, but more complex and expensive. In the Vietnam War, the US Army also
used some form of rainmaking to destroy the enemy. In this way, they made the
Ho Chi Minh Trail impassable for a long period. The route along which communist
North Vietnam had for years supplied munitions to the anti-American partisans
fighting in the south. At the beginning of the third millennium, American
scientists often claimed that in a few decades they would be able to shape the
weather virtually anywhere on Earth. But they rarely think about what global
interventions might entail. If you get a lot of rain from clouds in one place
over a large area, it will show up as a lack of rainfall elsewhere. This
upsets the balance of nature and changes the normal weather patterns. This
order has been established on this planet for hundreds of millions of years,
and life has adapted to it. Artificially influencing this, and inappropriately
interfering with the processes, could destroy our Earth's climate.
Weather can only be influenced temporarily and over small areas. Human intervention is only allowed to eliminate extreme weather events. It must be done with great skill so as not to cause harm to others. However, the methods used so far are not very skilled and are very expensive. A paradigm shift is also needed in this area. Magnetic irradiation could easily be the ideal solution for weather modification.
Initial steps have already been taken in this direction. In
the 20th century, in Imola, Italy, there lived an inventor, Pier-Luogi Ighina.
In his youth, he was a collaborator of Guglielmo Marconi, considered the
inventor of radio. According to his biographers, he spent his whole life doing "dubious things".
Some mysterious machines that no one knew anything about using. Near
his house in Imola, for example, he erected a
structure which he believed was used to capture unspecified 'cosmic
energy'. When we hear this, we cannot help thinking of Tesla's experiments. We
are not far from the truth.
Ighina was most likely reconstructing Tesla's famous tower. However, he did not
place a spherical radiator on top of the seven tall masts as an antenna, but
triangular metal antennae resembling a fan. By rotating these, he could control the magnetic radiation, which
allowed the effect to be concentrated in specific
areas. (This is a basic requirement for rainmaking, because drought
can be anywhere.)
Ighina's tower emitted magnetic waves through its rotating antennae. It is
also safe to say that, like Tesla, he was working with soliton waves, not
electromagnetic ones. During his rainstorms, he emitted concentrated etheric
particles into the atmosphere. He did not deny this. Although he was also very
secretive about his equipment, he once revealed that he could change the
weather using energy extracted from the cosmos. He could make it rain. And in
the cosmos there is only one energy, the infinite amount of ether ion. The
gravitons that produce gravitational radiation only have a significant effect
near celestial bodies. Ether, on the other hand, is everywhere and pervades
everything. In his house, he had a complete laboratory, but no one but him was
ever allowed to enter it. The curious could only stare at the strange structure
on the hill next to his house. In fact, the tower was a sight to behold. The
antennae, which Ighina calls wings, were painted seven colours of the rainbow.
He said that this was essential for the storage of unknown radiation.
equipment was very efficient. In fact, the people around Imola never
complained of drought, although no one around there believed Ighina's claim
that they owed much of the rain to him. But the most important feature of the
device was its ability to control the rains.
It could even control the intensity of the rainfall. Pier-Luigi
Ighina's long life was intertwined with
rainmaking. The tabloid press called him the "Rain God" as
early as the 1980s, and he was the subject of a huge hype. His fame reached
its peak when he made a public bet with the meteorologist Dr Bernacza of Italy's biggest state television channel. Ighina declared in front of the
TV cameras that she could make it rain anywhere in Italy at any time, even on
the driest day!
The meteorologist, defending the position of official science, slammed this pompous statement. He chose Rome, three hundred kilometres from Imola, as the place to make it rain (he also chose the capital because it was a big city, so if it failed, the inventor would be shamed in front of millions of people). Dr. Bernacca rode this opportunity too. In consultation with his meteorological colleagues, he chose a day when there was not a cloud in the sky, not only in Rome but over the whole of Italy. He informed Ighina of the exact date only a day in advance, so that she would not have much time to prepare. All this took place under constant media scrutiny. Journalists, radio and TV reporters were asking people who they thought would win the bet. But the hype didn't faze Ighina, who had confidence in her structure. He confidently claimed that he could use cosmic energy to make it rain anytime, anywhere. But he still would not tell us how.
The bet was that the rain would not just drizzle, but pour. And there was very little hope of that on that particular day. No rain without clouds, and the sky was cloudless over the whole country. Dr. Barnacca was very happy about this, and said that he did not believe in such mystical things. The excitement was at its peak. The people of the country were watching the events from the northern mountains to the southernmost tip of Sicily. On that Sunday morning, the sky was indeed perfectly clear and rain was forecast to be a thing of the past. On this day, not only the tabloids but also the so-called serious media did not avoid the issue. Everyone was anxiously waiting to see what would happen. Who would win?
Early in the morning, all the signs were that the doctor would be the winner. Still no clouds appeared. Bernacca laughed as he told the radio reporters following him that he had already won the bet, because there was no rain and there would be none. After lunch, however, the first clouds appeared in Rome's sky. Then they began to thicken, and late in the afternoon the city was hit by rain the likes of which had not been seen for years. The embarrassed doctor of meteorology was not embarrassed by what was happening. He told the media that Ighina had nothing to do with the thunderstorm, as Imola is a long way from Rome. Interestingly, most people accepted the official position. Only one person believed that this could not be a coincidence. The director of the company that runs the racecourse has filed charges against Ighina in the prosecutor's office. The accusation was that he had caused serious damage to the company by preventing the Sunday races from taking place. Ighina was happy with the accusation. He hoped that the case would go to trial and he could prove that he had caused the rain.
But the court held only one hearing, before the trial. There the judge decided not to take the case. The case against the racecourse operators was dismissed for lack of evidence. They had no choice, because if Ighina had been convicted and had been forced to go to prison, there would have been a huge furore. Ighina herself was extremely disappointed when it was announced that there would be no trial "due to lack of evidence". She said. If there had been a trial, the prosecutor would have been forced to ask for the opinion of scientists, and they could only have convicted me if their opinion confirmed my theory." Now that was the real reason for the refusal to prosecute. Transcendence cannot triumph over official science, and Rome knows it well.
Ighina cannot be considered the only inventor to have followed in Tesla's footsteps. Before him, the Austrian scientist Wilhelm Reich used magnetic irradiation to make rain. Reich was a psychologist who had studied under the great Freud. He claimed that there was a general energy that moved everything, including the weather and even the human psyche. He called this mysterious force the organ. He claimed that this organ, which we call the etherion, is everywhere in the universe. For this claim he was roundly ridiculed by the scientific world. It didn't help that he was a man of science himself. Nevertheless, a panel of academics had no hesitation in expelling him from the bosom of science. Even today, the rigid, ironclad scientific worldview does not tolerate those who side with the pariahs in the scientific community. Those who rebel against and dare to criticise any existing scientific dogma have no place in the scientific world. So did Reich, who was also ostracised.
His first invention was the organ battery. This device resembled a telephone box. Like a pyramid, it collected cosmic energy, which had a healing effect on the person sitting in the booth. Reich also presented his invention to Albert Einstein, who lived in America. The world-famous scientist was initially enthusiastic, but in the end he did nothing to help Reich bring his invention to the general public. Nevertheless, he set about mass producing his device. The US FDA (a very strict agency that monitors the quality of food and drugs) got involved. In 1950, they banned the commercial marketing of organ batteries, classifying them as fraudulent. Reich was not discouraged. Instead, he developed a rainmaking machine. Thus was born the organ cannon, later dubbed the "cloud-buster" by the media.
With the lilac cannon, he was able to produce any degree of precipitation from a small drizzle to a large downpour. But he kept the exact design of the device secret. What he did reveal, however, was what led him to create it. He was convinced that all atmospheric precipitation was caused by the concentration of orgone, and that the opposite was also true: drought. He sought to control the amount of orgone in the atmosphere. From this statement it is clear that he was also emitting magnetic waves into the atmosphere. Like Tesla, he excited the sky with longitudinal waves. In July 1953, the American press reported that the first successful attempts to control the weather had been completed. A photo of the device was also published here and there. The organ cannon was most reminiscent of the Soviets' World War II serial rocket launcher, the infamous "Katyusha". Its six barrels pointed skywards. It was therefore a portable version. It was taken to a place where there was a drought and put into service in minutes. But it didn't need much transport because its range was hundreds of kilometres.
The first public demonstration was in Maine, where it hadn't rained for six weeks. Farmers were worried about losing their entire year's crop. Soon after Reich fired his cannon, heavy rain poured down on the countryside. Reich, like the later Italian Ighina, was able to make it rain hundreds of kilometres away. From the state of Maine, for example, it triggered rain in New York and along the East Coast. A few hours after the organ cannon was activated, real downpours broke out in drought-stricken areas one after the other. Most of all, meteorologists were amazed. They could not understand where the clouds had come from that had never been there before. In the 1950s, he tested his device in a desert. The effect was to grow prairie grass, an event the oldest people living there could not remember.
But the press coverage bothered Reich. He feared that the Russians would steal his invention. And so it happened. From 1955 onwards, the weather in Moscow on May Day was always fine. The sun was shining and there were no clouds, even though the weather had often been very bad before and after. It even happened that it snowed. In other cities of the Soviet Union the weather was often bad on that day, but never in Moscow. Foreign correspondents observed large trucks carrying strange 'katyusha' all over the city the day before May Day. Apparently nothing happened, but soon the rain started to fall as cannon barrels were pointed at the sky. The Russians had cunningly 'deciphered' the clouds the day before, sucking all the rain and precipitation out of them. The next day the clouds disappeared and the Red Square was flooded with bright sunshine, where first Stalin, then Khrushchev and other leaders waved graciously to the tens of thousands of marchers.
Like his contemporaries, Reich had little use for his invention. He devoted his life to his inventions, but society did not appreciate his efforts. He was sued several times for fraud for his rainmaking device. And his organ-based devices were simply labelled as fraud. In the end, he became so nervous from all the litigation that he held the court in contempt during one of the trials. As a result, he was convicted and locked up in a cell. He could no longer bear this humiliation. In 1957, he suffered a heart attack in a cell in the federal prison in Lewisburgh. By the time he was discovered, he was beyond help. His books were burned and his notes confiscated by the FBI (or, according to other sources, the CIA). Then, as usual, he was locked away from the world. These notes on cosmic energy converters, cloud movers and storm generators are still lying around in a safe.[2]
Argentina also had a rainmaker. In the 1930s, Juan Baigorri Velar was on the front pages of newspapers around the world as the "Cloud Maker". Only he could operate his mysterious machines. His envy arranged for the director of the Meteorological Service to invite Velar to a demonstration, again, of course, to discredit him. He was asked to make it rain in Buenos Aires on a clear, cloudless day. Velar was not embarrassed and accepted the challenge. He even sent the director a raincoat. In front of a huge crowd, he turned on his camera and it buzzed. Within minutes, rain clouds crept into the sky and a thunderstorm broke out. Despite his success, the inventor became isolated and failed to get his invention taken seriously. He died poor and bitter at the age of 81. He took the secret of making rain to his grave. After his death, his machine mysteriously disappeared. Today, many doubt that he even existed.
The devices, based on the irradiation by magnetic waves, would probably also be able to stop rain and thunderstorms. All it would take is to extract the etheric energy accumulated in the clouds. The best way to neutralise the etheric energy is to use gravitational energy. If the organ cannon were used to radiate gravitational energy (gravitons) into the sky instead of concentrated etheric energy, it would be very likely that we could dampen hurricanes and tornadoes (hurricanes). The power of these powerful whirlwinds is due to the condensation of large amounts of etheric particles in the funnel. It is also suspected that the way in which they are concentrated is due to the soliton effect. This is suggested by the fact that these huge whirlwinds are not affected by friction. A tornado can travel hundreds of kilometres without losing any of its power. Scientists believe that tornadoes reaching speeds of 300-400 km/h should stop within minutes due to the high friction. In contrast, they rage for days, devastating the Caribbean and then devastating the east coast of the United States. Often they penetrate deep into the southern states of the Americas, with nothing to stop them. The friction is not affecting them because subatomic energy particles are pushing air molecules away from the funnel. Therefore, they are actually hurtling through a vacuum. Their mode of destruction also suggests that they have a concentrated energy field inside them. A tornado or hurricane is nothing more than an airborne tsunami.
This energy funnel acts like a subatomic energy knife. If it gets in the way of a family home, it cuts it in half like butter. What's under the funnel is smashed to a pulp, what's next to it is left untouched. If a point on a building is attacked with such mechanical force that it crushes it to dust, the bond that holds the building materials together will cause the entire building to collapse or be severely damaged. In contrast, researchers have observed and even documented on video that a wind funnel penetrated a single-family home, demolishing one wall of the kitchen, leaving the other wall with the jars intact and the wall clock intact.
Sub-atomic energy particles also infiltrate objects inside the wind tunnel. This not only increases their speed to several hundred km/h, but also turns them into energy particles similar to "samir". This is the reason for the observations of a straw stuck in a railway track or a record wedged in the trunk of a tree up to half its diameter. Under normal conditions, a straw cannot bury itself in steel even when accelerated to thousands of km/h. On impact with the steel surface, it is splintered and shattered into splinters. It can only penetrate if subatomic energy particles infiltrated between its atoms open the way. Since the number of subatomic energy particles absorbed in straw or other objects is finite, they are mostly unable to penetrate the object in their path. So they get trapped, entangled. If we were to scan these objects with an X-ray, we would clearly see that the straw drilled into the steel or the piece of record wedged into the wood is intact. There is no sign of mechanical damage caused by folding. In this way, the only way to penetrate the material is for some force to open the way.
Finally, it is worth asking what physical phenomenon nature uses to make rain? What causes precipitation in the atmosphere, what triggers windstorms and what causes droughts? Obviously, nothing is created out of nothing. Every phenomenon in the world has a cause. Weather is also influenced by physical laws, but how and who applies these laws? According to meteorologists, weather is governed by cyclones and anticyclones, which occur randomly. (You probably all know the gist of this: a butterfly flapping its wings on the African savannah triggers a hurricane in Central America as a result of a complex set of interconnections.)
The esotericists are much closer to the truth. They claim that the weather is influenced by the guardians of nature. Our world is full of invisible spiritual beings. Some of these are benevolent, others malevolent. According to ancient accounts, the otherworldly powers entrusted the weather to the elves and fauns. (Their existence is most often referred to in Greek mythology.) They do not act at their own discretion, but on command. But at whose command? Is it God or Satan who tells them where to go and what weather to have? Given the current weather extremes and the massive destruction that has resulted, it is likely the latter. In the performance of their duties, the elves and fauns certainly do not use ray guns. They use parapsychological methods to control the weather. They use psychokinetics.
Accepting this fact is almost impossible. Not because official science denies any manifestation of transcendence. It would still make the individual believe in it. It is our small-mindedness that prevents us from accepting the existence of invisible forces. The fact that we do not believe in it does not prevent the existence of a world that is imperceptible to us. But many people would not believe in its existence even if by some miracle it became visible. According to a historically authentic record, during the reign of Pipin in France, a famous cabalist took it into his head to convince mankind that the elements were populated by otherworldly beings. Zedechias asked the Elves to make themselves visible, so that their existence would be obvious to all. They complied with the unusual request, presenting a magnificent spectacle to the astonished humans.
But it all proved to be in vain. No one tried to explain the magnificent sight. It was accounted as a case of magicians taking control of natural phenomena. They could not believe their eyes. They believed that what they were seeing was magic. People only accept as real what they can perceive with their senses. But the narrow perceptual spectrum of our sensory organs shows only a fraction of the real world. Our scientists take a similar view. They consider only what they can measure with rudimentary instruments to be existing phenomena. At present, science only accepts as a basis for research the phenomena that it can reproduce with its knowledge and instruments; it can measure and analyse.
Because of the attitude of professional scientists, the development of rainfall control equipment is also left to private researchers. Their reconstruction can only be carried out as part of a civil initiative. But even in this case, too much work is not needed. These devices have already worked. So there is nothing to stop them being rebuilt. There is an old adage that what has been done once can be done again. We no longer have to suffer for it. We just have to use it. Today's developers have nothing to do but collect the documents left behind by Pier-Luigi Ighina and Wilhelm Reich. Surely the equipment they built is somewhere. They were not destroyed or smashed like the Tesla converter. The study of these remains will lead us to the worldwide eradication of the drought. Their further development will also make it possible to reduce the amount of rainfall. This will help us to avoid the damage caused by the increasingly violent tornadoes and hurricanes that occur every year.
Little do we know today that influencing the weather with magnetic waves can do much more than make it rain. In the more distant future, our weather problems may well be solved once and for all, as technological advances allow us to temper the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, winters on our planet will disappear. Nevertheless, winter sports enthusiasts will still be able to enjoy their favourite pastime after the eternal summer, with air temperatures stabilised at +23°C, because the laws of physics will continue to keep snow in the high mountains. Temperature control is achieved by setting up heat transformers that emit Yin energy into the atmosphere in the cold zone and Yang energy in the tropical zone. Of course, this is not implemented globally. There will be many people who will cling to their former familiar climate. While those living in subtropical climates may not want to live beyond the Arctic Circle in the realm of perpetual ice, Eskimos may not want to hunt polar bears in a bathing suit. The food market would also be drastically affected if the global climate were to be extended to the whole planet. With air temperatures of +23°C, it would become impossible to grow tropical fruit and vegetables. With more than 1500 tropical fruits, their scarcity would be a major loss to gastronomy.
However, above small areas, climate tempering is conceivable. Extraterrestrial civilisations already use this method. It is also common practice here on Earth. The bubble worlds of the four previous civilisations that moved beneath the crust also have a temperate climate of +23°C. In some places, this would be good for us, but we don't know how it can be achieved. There are only two ways to induce warming. The most obvious is photon radiation, as we know it. There are two ways to communicate heat by photons. One is thermal conduction (conduction). The disadvantage of this is that we have to be closely attached to the heat source and cannot move away from it. As this would limit our freedom of movement, it is not an option. The other is heat flow (convection). In this case, heat is transferred by air molecules. However, air is known to be a good insulator. Therefore, to irradiate an entire country or continent (e.g. freezing Siberia) would require a huge fireball. But such a fireball would scorch the area underneath it, while hundreds of kilometres away it would generate very little heat.
There is a third way of transferring heat, called radiative transfer. This is not actually heat transfer, but electromagnetic radiation. It is also how the sun heats us. It emits rays of light that are absorbed by matter, where they cause heating. But for infrared and ultraviolet radiation to produce global warming, a very large source of radiation is needed. Something that cannot be created here on Earth. So climate warming with photons is not a viable option.
That leaves only one option, irradiation with magnetic waves. Magnetic waves cause temperature changes in their surroundings. Patients who have been to healers in the Philippines have often reported feeling hot or cold in the parts of their bodies they have treated when they have received energy beams by hand. This suggests that as the Yin energy spreads, it warms the material in its path slightly, while the Yang energy cools it down a few degrees. It also explains why the air feels colder in the presence of ghosts and UFOs. Temperature is nothing more than the vibration of atoms and molecules in the air, or in any substance. An astral body of etheric particles emits intense positive subatomic energy particles. The antigravitational energy that lifts UFOs into the air is also made up of gravitationally neutralising energy particles that penetrate matter. When they flow into the air or other matter, they inhibit the vibration of atoms, which reduces the temperature of the matter, in this case the air made up of gas molecules.
The subject may seem frivolous to many people, but a distinctly cold-looking air current has been observed in the so-called table-dancing. Measurements show that the temperature drop around the table can be as low as 5-6°C. As is known, in these sessions, participants sit around a table, place their hands over the table and mentally radiate Yang energy into the table top. When the Yang energy is so great that it can counterbalance the Yin energy, the gravity, coming out of the earth, the table is lifted into the air. Of course, the participants do not know whether they are supposed to radiate Yin or Yang energy, this is decided by the spirit appearing in the séance. For this connection to occur, it is essential that at least one of the participants can lower their brain frequency to alpha.
When irradiated with yin energy, the etheric energy is increasingly displaced from the interatomic space. This gives the atoms more room to move. They vibrate more and more. This causes them to generate heat, to become hotter. This phenomenon can also be observed in gases. When air molecules vibrate faster, the temperature of the atmosphere increases. In this way, the air temperature can be raised even under cold skies. However, this must be done with great care. Changing the climate does not only affect the plants, animals and people living there. It also affects the earth's crust and minerals. The melting of ice fields in Canada and Siberia is releasing methane gas into the atmosphere from ancient, decaying marsh grasses. This further increases the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, accelerating the greenhouse effect. Siberia's peat bog predates the Flood and is estimated to contain 70 billion tonnes of methane, trapped so far by frozen ground. Global warming can be combated by tempering the atmosphere. But methane also releases pathogenic viruses that mankind has never encountered before. The extremely dangerous pithovirus has been hiding in the permafrost for 30,000 years and is still active.
Stopping global warming and preventing climate collapse is a vital issue for us. If nature is destroyed, we will be destroyed. The disruption of the millennia-old order of nature, the chaos of the weather, is something we feel every day. Instead of summer showers, we now get hurricane-force winds and rain. In half an hour, three months' rainfall is falling in the area, followed by a flash flood. The small streams that have swollen into rivers and the sewage systems in the towns and villages cannot absorb the huge amounts of water, so mudflows are pouring into the streets. The surging torrent washes away everything in its path, often claiming lives. The tornado-like micro-cells tear off the roofs of houses, tear down power lines, topple electricity poles and uproot trees by the thorns. In gardens and fields, they destroy all plants and animals. This type of storm is so fast and intense that it can cause billions of dollars of damage in a matter of minutes.
Budapest, 11.02.2018.
Anyone is free to use the information provided here. You do not need to ask permission or pay for it. However, you are joining a community of developers, which entails obligations. This obligation is the sharing of information. It is now well known that global warming is threatening climate collapse, leading to the destruction of nature. The eradication of poverty and disease cannot be postponed any longer. The messages from beyond are that knowledge is the key to our salvation. Since official science cannot solve these problems, a paradigm shift is needed. But this huge task can only be achieved through international cooperation and collective action.
Those who take part in this process cannot exclude anyone from using the results they have achieved. The additional information that they add cannot be encrypted and patented. In this way, all the results in this field, which is still unrecognised today and even cursed by scientists, will be made public. We should be compensated for this material loss by the knowledge that a paradigm shift occurs only once in the history of every civilisation. If we take part, we will have a great adventure, and later we will be proud to have taken part in the most exciting struggle of our civilisation. Those who achieve outstanding results in the next few decades will forever write their names in the history of our civilisation. Time is of the essence for us, so let’s not waste our energy on making a profit. Our lives are more important than our money. So let us not let our earthbound instincts rule us. Let us work with all those who can make a difference in this field, for the greater good. We can achieve more by working together than by developing in isolation. For our survival, we should not block the free flow of information.
Budapest, 21 January 2022.
KUN Ákos
Ó Ákos Kun
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